Rebel Pilot A-Wing, Yellow Head, Trans-Yellow Visor, sw0031 on Sale

Year released: 2000
Appears in set 7134-1, A-wing Fighter
The A-wing starfighter, also referred to as A-wing, was a type of starfighter. During the Early rebellion against the Galactic Empire and the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the New Republic used the RZ-1 A-wing interceptor. Approximately thirty years later, a different and upgraded variation of the A-wing, the RZ-2 A-wing interceptor, was used by the Resistance during the First Order–Resistance war.
A pilot, sometimes called a starpilot or flyboy, directly controlled the operation of a vehicle while located within the same craft. For small starships the pilot might have been in charge of all aspects of the vehicle including navigation, sensors, communications and weapons. For larger ships, a pilot may have been assisted by other crew members to handle different ship systems. The term pilot applied across vehicles used on land or in water, air, and or space.
Combat pilots would either need to move together or singly during starfighter combat. According to the Chiss Thrawn, pilots in a battle, like soldiers on a battlefield, saw victory differently from others in battle. Thrawn stated this was because to a pilot or soldier onLEGO® the line, victory was surviving the battle they were currently involved in.
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Condition | Like New, Used |